Recordings from the 2022 ONLINE Conference
Joshua Gibbs - "Everyday Recitations: What a Classroom Catechism Can Do For You"
For the last five years, I have begun every in-person class I teach by leading my students through their classroom catechism. The classroom catechism is composed of passages from Scripture and from the classic texts the class reads together throughout the year. In this presentation, I will offer a brief history of why I started using classroom catechisms, and all the ways you could benefit from using one, as well.
Fr. Jason Foster - “Do as I Do: The Importance of Setting an Orthodox Example as a Dad”
This breakout session will look at the changes and challenges men are facing in light of the “modern” family. Specially, we will discuss our need to set forth and maintain an Orthodox mindset towards the male role in the household. Lastly, we will explore ways we can set a good example in word and in deed for our children.
Dr. Mark Tarpley - “Raising Up an Athlete for Christ in a Post-Christian Society”
A common metaphor used to describe our modern age is that of a machine. In fact, machine language permeates our culture. For example, athletes are often referred to as “well-oiled machines,” “efficient in how they play,” and “a scoring machine.” But such is not how the image of athlete is used by St. John Chrysostom. Rather the image of athlete sets forth one who follows Christ and struggles within his interior heart. In this talk, Dr. Tarpley will consider these two contrasting visions of education, namely, Christian paideia and Machine education, offering a vision of hope for Orthodox Christian families to continue to run the race with faith and courage in the raising of their children.
Sh. Shell Keim - “Mary and Martha: Finding Balance Between these two Ladies in our Hearts”
When you have these two balanced in your life, God will let you move on. We see two characters in the story of Mary and Martha, but the difficulty is realizing Christ didn't want Martha to stop serving her household; he just didn't want her to neglect the one thing needful. Finding balance between these two ladies in our hearts, homes, and lives is a challenge. Some of us err toward the one and not the other, and both have so much to offer us as women caring for home and family. During this talk, we will explore how they both cared for their home, invited Christ always to be present with them, and served him and each other.
Speaker Q & A - Parts 1 & 2