Hymn of the Month Study

Charlotte Mason teaching often incorporates a hymn to be studied each month.  The study is very simple:

  1. Listen to the hymn each day (if the parent knows the hymn, they can sing or it can be played from the youtube link)

  2. As people learn the hymn, they can sing along, by the end of the month they will feel more confident in it.

  3. Older / more advanced students can use the sheet music to follow along. 

Note: The hymns below have been chosen for their ease in singing for children’s vocal range and arranged with some thought to feasts and holy days. They come from various jurisdictions. Feel free to substitute other hymns or change the order as it suits your family.  

September - Elevation of the Holy Cross
Eastern Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]
Western Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]

October - Psalm 23
Western Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]

November - I Leave You My Peace
Western Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]

December - Nativity of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ
Eastern Settings [Sheet Music]
Western Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]

January - Trisagion Hymn
Eastern Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]

February - Presentation of the Lord in the Temple
Eastern Setting [Sheet Music]
Western Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]

March - Kontakion of the Annunciation
Eastern Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]

April - Paschal Troparion - Christ is Risen
Eastern Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]
Multiple Languages [Sheet Music]

May - Pentecost
Eastern Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]
Western Setting [Sheet Music] [Video]